Mission Work
Here at St. Timothy's, we are called to serve as part of our discipleship, reaching out with compassion and unconditional love to those in need as the hands and feet of Christ. God has equipped us for every good work, providing for us abundantly in both physical and spiritual needs, so we gladly give back by helping our neighbors. Join us in these missions and become active in your faith.
Current Missions
This August, we'll be collecting school supply items for our Child Care Center. They are especially appreciative of construction paper, crayons, markers, colored pencils, dry erase markers, washable non-toxic paint, and glue sticks. They also are always looking for plastic bags to dispose of diapers in. Thank you for helping keep our program sustainable!
In September, we'll be joining a community effort to collect baby supplies for Harvest House, an essential organization that serves the East Side of Buffalo, aiding over 600 children a month. They are in need of diapers sizes 2-5; clothing newborn to 5T; bottles and feeding supplies; toys and books; baby hygiene products (wipes, creams, etc); socks for children age 3+; and cribs, car seats, and strollers (new or gently used). Thank you for helping secure the health and welfare of children and their families through these essential items!
Note: Donations for Harvest House from the greater Grand Island community will be graciously accepted on Thursday, September 12th during our drive-thru BBQ event or by appointment (please call 716-773-4400). Thank you!
Recent Past Missions
This year, St. Timothy participated in Rotary's Undie Sunday, collected food and personal care items for the Grand Island Neighbors Founday, gathered over 500 pair of socks for the shelterless, and supported both the St. Timothy Lutheran Child Care Center and Lutheran Charities through basket donations. We also had a small but mighty Ride for Roswell team which riased $1,921 for cancer research and to support patients and families fighting cancer locally.
At the end of last year, St. Timothy collected over $900 for the essential ministries of ELCA World Hunger through their Good Gifts program, which helps communities globally battle food insecurity, improve economic wellbeing, provide sanitation, and support education. We also completed a substantial food collection in conjunction with our Child Care Center for the Community of Good Neighbors, a Lutheran organization helping reduce food insecurity on the East Side of Buffalo.
Ongoing Missions
Here at St. Timothy, our largest ongoing mission is our Child Care Center, where we teach our children to know in a deep way the unconditional love of God for them and for all people. We are on a mission to care for our children and their families in deep and significant ways, nurture the whole child developmentally, achieve kindergarten readiness, and promote spiritual formation. Contact us if you're interested in helping support this important mission in some way, or donate to it here.
In our parking lot, you'll find a Hearts for the Homeless donation bin. Hearts for the Homeless is a missions organization that provides meals, clothing, information on services, companionship, and hope for the homeless in Buffalo. They collect donated items including textiles and housewares for their thrift store, with serves a low-income community in Buffalo that has little access to commercial shopping. All the proceeds after expenses go to running their mobile soup kitchen. Please also continue supporting them in prayer and through monetary support as they continue feeding the needy. Click here to donate.
The Grand Island Neighbors Foundation is an essential organization that provides confidential food assistance to Grand Island neighbors in need through donations from community members. While we periodically do food and monetary collections for them, support at any time of year is appreciated. You can help them out financially here.
St. Timothy periodically collaborates with both the Habitat for Humanity Buffalo and Niagara Falls organizations for their Faith Build Coalition, "bringing people together to put faith into action." We participate in building homes, praying for the families who are being helped by this initiative, and donating funds to allow their work to continue.
The Community of Good Neighbors in Buffalo always accepts shelf-stable food and other essentials for their food justice ministry, as well as monetary donations to purchase further supplies for those they serve and to build their new spiritual ministry. Donations can be given by using the Upstate New York Synod Title.ly form here and choosing the Community of Good Neighbors drop-down where it says "give to." To learn more about the Community of Good Neighbors, visit their website at cgnbuffalo.com.